Saturday, September 12, 2015

ENERGY- 6th Annual Race for the Cure

So excited to participate in the 6th annual Race for the Cure. It was another great morning with friends and family celebrating all of the success in cancer prevention in trying to find a cure. The survivor walk always brings tears to my eyes. The strength and heart of the women are amazing.

Of all the things I've done and participated in, I think being one of the founding members of the Mid Missouri Susan G Komen for the Cure is probably one of the most rewarding. We put our heart and our soul into starting something that could last a lifetime, but more importantly save lives.

In the past few years several of our agents have been diagnosed with cancer so anything you can do to help them and help them live a long life is important. Over 1,500 Americans die every day of cancer. When you understand those numbers, it's crazy and I don't understand why this is not the priority of everyone in the world. It's time we found a cure and anything everyone can do to help is important.

Friday, September 11, 2015

ENERGY -The Resurrection

I think that 2015 will go on record as being a stand out year...Election, Sky Diving and more to come, but one event hangs with me and that is the Resurrection of Ellen. My eldest Aunt, affectionately called "Bubbles" has had a rough year.  For some time she has suffered from a blood disorder.  She has maintained a reasonable quality of life with transfusions and treatments, but definitely has her ups and downs. This year she died.

I was in Italy and got a text from my step-sister that she was so sorry for our loss.  When I read it, I knew.  I knew that it was serious, I knew my family would be hurting and I knew she did not know I was out of the country and I was not meant to know.  I immediately called my mother, who was shocked I knew and was so upset about the death of her step-sister.  We talked about the great person Ellen was and the funeral arrangements to be.  It was a rough night.  Fortunately I was surrounded with my best friends who were able to help me remember, laugh and take the pain away.

24 hours later I received another text..."Ellen is rallying, she is getting better".  Yep - she was still alive!!  In order to spare my loved ones, let's just say there was some miscommunication in our family.  If you know Ellen, you know how funny she would think this was.  That was probably the best part of this story - we knew she would love it.  She made it home from the hospital, my mom was able to care for her, but today she was in a car wreck and is in ICU.

I have the belief that she is strong enough to heal and strong enough to fight, but wow...what a year!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

EMPOWERMENT - Oh By the Way..

Oh by the way... it absolutely love what I do. It's not a job, it's a choice I get to make every day of how I want to spend my time. Today was spent with smart and successful agents who are trying to improve their business. We had a great class with Brian Buffini and working towards becoming a Peak Producer.

It's always a challenge to decide how you want to spend your time and who you want to spend it with. The pleasure that I get each day out of spending time with our Associates is unmeasurable. And to top it off, I have the best staff ever!

I had to leave the office hop on a plane and head to Reno, Nevada to meet with their state board of directors. Tomorrow is another day that I get to spend with dedicated individuals to our industry who are trying to preserve and protect private property rights. I've never been to Reno, I've never been to their balloon festival, but I know I'll be with Realtors and it will be a great day.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

EXPERIENCE - Labor Day, Spa Day

#laborday #spaday

I love long holiday weekends.  I always seem to be in town and find it is a great time to relax and also get things done!  I usually seem to spend the time by myself, cleaning the house or just taking some me time.  This weekend was spent with family.  I was so glad that my cousin Christy asked if I wanted to hang out.  That turned into us getting away and heading to the Lake of the Ozarks for a day at Spa Shiki.  Pool, massage, and reflexology were a must and two good meals topped it off.  

At the end of the day I was spending some quiet time in the meditation room and started reading The Four Agreements.  An hour later, and after a small breakdown/discovery, I had finished the book.  It is amazing how you get when you need just when you need it.  Thanks Christy for sharing this journey and being such a great cousin and friend!

Friday, September 4, 2015

EMPOWERMENT - Elizabeth Mendenhall

Hi and welcome to my blog.  I have tried to start blogs from time to time.  I have questioned more often why on earth I would want to start a blog.  I don't like to write.  I am much better talking on the phone or maybe even producing a video.  However I find myself wanting to have a record of some pretty awesome experiences so I can make sure I remember them.  I know that if I don't do something to record the journey, it may get lost.

E3 is not just a slogan or a logo - it is a way of life.  I adopted it when I tried to think of what is important for the success of our industry as we move into the future.  We have to create the energy that inspires movement.  We have to empower others to act and lead.  We have to use our experience and experience everything we can.

I recently had one of the greatest experiences of my life.  This video sums up what it means to live an E3 Life.