Friday, September 11, 2015

ENERGY -The Resurrection

I think that 2015 will go on record as being a stand out year...Election, Sky Diving and more to come, but one event hangs with me and that is the Resurrection of Ellen. My eldest Aunt, affectionately called "Bubbles" has had a rough year.  For some time she has suffered from a blood disorder.  She has maintained a reasonable quality of life with transfusions and treatments, but definitely has her ups and downs. This year she died.

I was in Italy and got a text from my step-sister that she was so sorry for our loss.  When I read it, I knew.  I knew that it was serious, I knew my family would be hurting and I knew she did not know I was out of the country and I was not meant to know.  I immediately called my mother, who was shocked I knew and was so upset about the death of her step-sister.  We talked about the great person Ellen was and the funeral arrangements to be.  It was a rough night.  Fortunately I was surrounded with my best friends who were able to help me remember, laugh and take the pain away.

24 hours later I received another text..."Ellen is rallying, she is getting better".  Yep - she was still alive!!  In order to spare my loved ones, let's just say there was some miscommunication in our family.  If you know Ellen, you know how funny she would think this was.  That was probably the best part of this story - we knew she would love it.  She made it home from the hospital, my mom was able to care for her, but today she was in a car wreck and is in ICU.

I have the belief that she is strong enough to heal and strong enough to fight, but wow...what a year!

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