Sunday, September 6, 2015

EXPERIENCE - Labor Day, Spa Day

#laborday #spaday

I love long holiday weekends.  I always seem to be in town and find it is a great time to relax and also get things done!  I usually seem to spend the time by myself, cleaning the house or just taking some me time.  This weekend was spent with family.  I was so glad that my cousin Christy asked if I wanted to hang out.  That turned into us getting away and heading to the Lake of the Ozarks for a day at Spa Shiki.  Pool, massage, and reflexology were a must and two good meals topped it off.  

At the end of the day I was spending some quiet time in the meditation room and started reading The Four Agreements.  An hour later, and after a small breakdown/discovery, I had finished the book.  It is amazing how you get when you need just when you need it.  Thanks Christy for sharing this journey and being such a great cousin and friend!

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